All Labia Are Not The Same: Options For Labiaplasty
There is a wide range of normal anatomic variants of labia minora appearance. The length, width, thickness, and coloring of the labia are quite variable and yet all may still be considered normal. Women of a wide range of ages, from adolescence to postmenopausal stage, may be di...
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Plastic Surgery Is Not Photoshop
1 and 2: before Photoshop 3 and 4: after Photoshop: how many changes can you spot?We are surrounded by and constantly exposed to images of absolutely fabulous looking women and men, with flawless skin, perfect proportions, ideal contours. Whether in printed...
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Diet, Exercise, and a Little Extra
If you're like most of us, part of your New Year’s resolution likely involves some form of self improvement. Whether embarking on a new diet, adding to your exercise routine, or making sure you’re taking care of your health, it’s not alway easy to reach y...
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Time For a Change: Body Sculpture
Plastic surgery is an art and a science, and as an artist the plastic surgeon aims to create a beautiful result for the patient. When it comes to body contouring, several procedures allow patients to obtain the look they wish to achieve. Women may be concerned about the shape or...
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Beyond Labiaplasty: Beauty Below the Belt
Feminine rejuvenation and beautification can focus on improving the appearance, shape, and size of the labia minora, the labia majora, and the clitoral hood. In addition, aesthetic considerations may include the mons pubis - the soft tissue overlying the pubic bone –...
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Non Invasive Fat Reduction: Fact and Fiction
Despite the extreme cold spell we're experiencing, spring will soon be upon us. With the warmer weather come fewer layers and lighter wardrobe. Women and men are both apt to once again pay attention to some areas of their body that they would like to look better. Target ar...
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Cosmetic Enhancements of the Buttocks – Choosing a Qualified Physician
Various techniques for soft tissue augmentation including the “Brazilian Butt Lift” and buttock enhancement are currently available to improve the size, shape and contour of one's derrière. Certain famous movie and television personalities have brought ou...
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The Mommy Makeover – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson, New York City Plastic Surgeon
It's September, the children have gone to school, routines are in place, and you have some extra time to focus on yourself. So you’ve been thinking about how you look, perhaps your belly just isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be, perhaps your breasts aren&...
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