
paparazzi taking pictures

Celebrity Plastic Surgery: Privacy For Public Figures

Stars, models, celebrities, glitterati - they are some of the most visible people, well versed in being seen and admired on the red carpet, on stage, in front of the camera, and under bright lights. And yet even superstars welcome privacy and confidentiality in some...

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woman holding fabric over her breasts

Revisions and Reoperations in Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures generally produce the desired results and successfully address patients' concerns. In many cases, correcting or improving physical features also provides psychological benefits, with a boost in patient self-esteem, self-confidence, and s...

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woman holding both her breasts in her hands

Textured Breast Implants: Important Update

Breast implants are FDA approved medical devices with documented safety record, and millions of women have successfully undergone breast augmentation or breast reconstruction with both saline and silicone implants. In the last few years, a rare disease entity known as BIA-ALCL (...

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woman holding breast implants against her body

Breast Augmentation News: What You Should Know About Breast Implants

Breast augmentation remains the No. 1 cosmetic surgery procedure in the US, and women now have more breast implant options than ever. Variations in implant characteristics such as size, shape, fill material, and shell surface have created hundreds of possibilities for women who...

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beautiful purple flowers

Spring Has (Finally) Sprung in New York City: Best Time For A Better You

As we emerge from a long cold winter, we can turn our focus to warmer weather, lighter wardrobes, and looking our best. With so many options for rejuvenation of the face and body, each one of us can choose from a vast array of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to ach...

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woman holding breast implants against her breasts

Time For a Bust Boost? When To Change Your Breast Implants

Breast augmentation surgery remains the most commonly performed aesthetic plastic surgery procedure in the US. Regardless of your choice of breast implants, they may need to be replaced during the course of your lifetime. Revision of breast augmentation, with implant removal and...

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man and woman posing seductively

Cankles, Moobs, and Thigh Gap: Target Areas for Plastic Surgery

Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are designed to improve certain aspects of our appearance. Some of these, in order to address those areas of our bodies we would like to look better, involve major surgery, such as facelift, breast augmentation, breast reduction, or bre...

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woman holding breast implants against her body

Breast Implants by the Numbers: Latest Safety and Outcomes Study

Breast augmentation with saline and silicone gel breast implants has been performed in millions of women, and ever increasing amounts of data are being collected and tracked about their safety, risks, and potential complications. The latest long-term study in the offic...

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woman sitting wrapped in fabric

Mommy Makeovers: Which Options Are Best For You?

A Mommy Makeover encompasses a number of different plastic surgery procedures on the breasts and body designed to improve a woman's appearance after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The immediate post-partum period after delivery is replete with hormonal, physica...

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beautiful day at the beach

Plastic Surgery Schedule: Holiday Planning As Summer Ends

As summer draws to a close and Labor Day weekend affords once last jaunt under the sun, our focus shifts from vacation, bathing suits and sunscreen to regular fall schedules, start of school, and autumn events like fashion week. The frenetic pace of winter holidays may seem to l...

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