
bride and groom posing with bouquet

Planning Ahead For Your Special Event: Timing Your Beauty Procedures

Whether you're the bride or groom at your upcoming nuptials, or a member of the wedding party, or a soon-to-be in-law, you will want to look your best for the occasion. Just as planning for the event takes months of preparation, so too caring for your appearance and optimi...

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gifts wrapped with red ribbon

‘Tis The Season: Give Yourself The Gift That Keeps On Giving

The holiday season is in full swing, and many of us are rushing about looking for the best gifts to show appreciation for all the special people in our lives. While you're focused on bringing joy to everyone else, don’t forget to set aside time to take care of yourse...

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woman with green eye shadow

Liquid Rhinoplasty Or Surgical Rhinoplasty? Options and Results

There's a buzz about “liquid” rhinoplasty as the latest and greatest cosmetic procedure to reshape your nose and make it look better. Is it truly as amazing as it’s touted to be? Liquid rhinoplasty is an in-office treatment that uses a non-surgical appro...

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beautiful purple flowers

Spring Has (Finally) Sprung in New York City: Best Time For A Better You

As we emerge from a long cold winter, we can turn our focus to warmer weather, lighter wardrobes, and looking our best. With so many options for rejuvenation of the face and body, each one of us can choose from a vast array of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to ach...

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surgeon drawing lines on a woman's face

Focus on the Eyes: Eyelid Rejuvenation and Tear Trough Improvement

Some of the more common concerns women and men express about their faces pertain to the appearance of their eyes. Most often, signs of aging manifest as wrinkles, loose skin, droopy upper lids, or undereye bags. The area around the eyes, called the periorbital area, may be the f...

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beautiful day at the beach

Plastic Surgery Schedule: Holiday Planning As Summer Ends

As summer draws to a close and Labor Day weekend affords once last jaunt under the sun, our focus shifts from vacation, bathing suits and sunscreen to regular fall schedules, start of school, and autumn events like fashion week. The frenetic pace of winter holidays may seem to l...

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Periorbital Rejuvenation: Keeping Your Eyes Looking Young

The area around the eyes, referred to as the periorbital area, is often the first part of the face that shows signs of aging. Patients may complain of wrinkles called crows feet, of looking tired, or of having heavy or droopy lids or undereye bags. There are different ways of ad...

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Spring Has Sprung! What Is Your Spring Cleaning Plan?

Spring is (finally!) in the air in New York City, and now is the perfect time to focus on improving your lifestyle and your looks. The snow and ice have melted after the last winter blizzard blast, and we can concentrate on increasing our well-being through better health and se...

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Happy 2017! Time for a New Year’s Resolution and a New You

The New Year is upon us and as such, it offers an opportunity for men and women alike to embark upon a new, better path, which many incorporate into a New Year's resolution. Often these resolutions involve some form of physical or emotional improvement, including such...

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Planning Ahead for Holiday Beauty: Look Your Best With Quick, Effective Procedures

‘Tis the Season… almost! Hallowe'en has passed, Thanksgiving is around the corner, and we are about to embark on the holiday season. Here in New York City, this means more parties, more social events, more outings - and more selfies, photos, and social m...

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