Marvelous Month of May: Sprucing Up In Springtime
Every spring offers the opportunity for renewal and revitalization, and perhaps this year more so than ever, as we emerge from social isolation and shed our masks. Along with feeling better about returning to normal interactions, many of us also seek to put the ordeal of the pas...
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New Year, New You: Making SMART Resolutions For 2021
As 2021 rolls in, and we look to move past the ordeals and tribulations of last year, many of us are tempted to make a New Year's resolution to improve ourselves in some way. A significant number of our resolutions focus on physical or emotional well-being, and include som...
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Back To Business Of Beauty: Reopening For Plastic Surgery
Our doors are open and we are delighted to welcome current and prospective patients to our office. When you walk through our doors, we will do our utmost to treat you like royalty. Since we have been allowed to reopen, we can now provide you the full complement of plastic surger...
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‘Tis The Season: Give Yourself The Gift That Keeps On Giving
The holiday season is in full swing, and many of us are rushing about looking for the best gifts to show appreciation for all the special people in our lives. While you're focused on bringing joy to everyone else, don’t forget to set aside time to take care of yourse...
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Spring Has (Finally) Sprung in New York City: Best Time For A Better You
As we emerge from a long cold winter, we can turn our focus to warmer weather, lighter wardrobes, and looking our best. With so many options for rejuvenation of the face and body, each one of us can choose from a vast array of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures to ach...
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Cankles, Moobs, and Thigh Gap: Target Areas for Plastic Surgery
Cosmetic plastic surgery procedures are designed to improve certain aspects of our appearance. Some of these, in order to address those areas of our bodies we would like to look better, involve major surgery, such as facelift, breast augmentation, breast reduction, or bre...
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Mommy Makeovers: Which Options Are Best For You?
A Mommy Makeover encompasses a number of different plastic surgery procedures on the breasts and body designed to improve a woman's appearance after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. The immediate post-partum period after delivery is replete with hormonal, physica...
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Plastic Surgery Schedule: Holiday Planning As Summer Ends
As summer draws to a close and Labor Day weekend affords once last jaunt under the sun, our focus shifts from vacation, bathing suits and sunscreen to regular fall schedules, start of school, and autumn events like fashion week. The frenetic pace of winter holidays may seem to l...
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Body Work: Maximize Results and Minimize Downtime
Body contouring includes a multitude of cosmetic procedures that refine all aspects of the body, most often the abdomen and flanks, breasts, and chest, as well as arms, hips, and thighs. It includes two primary components: skin tightening and volume improvement. With t...
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Feminine Rejuvenation Is Trending: Demand for Labiaplasty Soars
Plastic surgery continues to see an increase in the number of aesthetic procedures being performed in New York City as well as throughout the United States as a whole. The number of labiaplasties reported by plastic surgeons increased by nearly 40% in 2016 as compared to the prev...
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