Neck Rejuvenation: Kybella and New Options
A youthful neck appearance can be recognized by several characteristics of the skin, fat, and muscle. These features include: an angular, even jawline, with tight skin and smooth contour throughout. With time and gravity, changes associated with aging affect the appearance of th...
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Here Comes the Sun: How Much Is Good For You?
With springtime and warmer weather come sunnier days and more daily sun exposure. We know that UV rays can lead to sun damage and skin cancer, but some sun exposure is essential for our health. New research, however, examines the beneficial effects of sun exposure. A Swedish stu...
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Rhinoplasty: Subtle Changes Yield Major Improvement
The nose is an important feature of a person's face, by virtue of its position in the very center of the face and often attracting the eye of the beholder. Physiologically, the nose is crucial in functioning as the breathing mechanism. In addition, there are specific aesthe...
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Nonsurgical Rhinoplasty – Nasal Recontouring With Fat and Cartilage Grafts
Patients who are unhappy with their noses and are looking to improve their appearance may benefit from a minimally invasive surgical technique which uses fat or cartilage grafts, a procedure recently presented at the latest American Society of Plastic Surgeons meeting. This type...
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New Technique for Botox® Injections
Botox® has been used for cosmetic enhancements for years to effectively rejuvenate the face and neck by diminishing forehead wrinkles, frown lines and crows' feet, and softening muscle bands in the neck. The product must be injected into the muscles which bec...
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Autologous Fat Grafts – Uses and Benefits
Fat injections, also known as autologous fat grafts, fat transfer or transplantation, have been used in different clinical settings for volume augmentation or restoration. Techniques for harvesting and injection vary, depending on volume, indications and sites for injection. In a...
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The Best Neck – Variations on Neck Lifts
Often patients are concerned about only one particular aspect of their appearance, whether it's their eyes, jowls or neck. Providing customized procedures to improve their looks requires considerable judgement and experience, combined with an understanding of anatomy. In so...
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Chin Implants – Focus on the Face
As patients seek to address distinct aspects of their facial appearance they would like to improve, a larger number have sought out chin augmentation. According to statistics provided by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), chin augmentation with implants has seen un...
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