Plastic Surgery – Top International Rankings
The International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery has released statistics of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed in countries around the world. The top plastic surgery spots by percentage of population are as follow:1. South Korea - about one in 5 women have...
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Herbal Supplements and Plastic Surgery
Herbal supplements and homeopathic remedies are being used by increasing numbers of people, and often they confer health benefits. Some of these products, however, can affect a person's normal ability to clot, and so are potentially harmful when recovering from surgery. In...
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New Silicone Gel Breast Implants Approved
On March 9th, 2012 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of a new type of silicone gel filled implants manufactured by Sientra, Inc. The silicone implants will be available for use in aesthetic breast augmentation patients over 22 years of age as well as in brea...
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How to Achieve the Best Results from your Plastic Surgery
Once you've decided to go ahead with a plastic surgery procedure, whether liposuction, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or a combination of surgeries, you should make sure your body and mind are at their best. Surgery of any kind, including aesthetic plastic surgery, is to...
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Welcome to Dr. Olivia Hutchinson’s New Plastic Surgery Office
We are delighted to announce our new location at 121A East 83rd Street, on Manhattan's Upper East Side in New York City. Dr. Olivia Hutchinson will continue to offer patients the full complement of cosmetic plastic surgery procedures and minimally invasive short scar techni...
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Spring into Spring: Quick Fix Procedures – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson, Plastic Surgeon in New York City
What a long, cold, snowy winter it's been - but spring is just a week away and very soon it will be time to peel off all the layers. There are several plastic surgery procedures that may be performed in our office, and produce fantastic results with little or no down...
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Breast Enhancement in New York City – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson
Aesthetic surgery to improve the appearance of a woman's breasts may include breast augmentation with saline or silicone implants, breast lift (mastopexy) with or without breast enlargement, and breast reduction. Breast surgery is designed to improve the volume, shape and o...
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Liposuction – indications, alternatives and benefits.
Liposuction is body contouring surgery designed to remove fat from a patient by suctioning it out. There are numerous types of liposuction available, as well as some non surgical and alternative modalities. Dr. Hutchinson has been performing liposuction in Manhattan for over a de...
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The Mommy Makeover – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson, New York City Plastic Surgeon
It's September, the children have gone to school, routines are in place, and you have some extra time to focus on yourself. So you’ve been thinking about how you look, perhaps your belly just isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be, perhaps your breasts aren&...
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