Body Work: Maximize Results and Minimize Downtime
Body contouring includes a multitude of cosmetic procedures that refine all aspects of the body, most often the abdomen and flanks, breasts, and chest, as well as arms, hips, and thighs. It includes two primary components: skin tightening and volume improvement. With t...
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Spring Has Sprung! What Is Your Spring Cleaning Plan?
Spring is (finally! ) in the air in New York City, and now is the perfect time to focus on improving your lifestyle and your looks. The snow and ice have melted after the last winter blizzard blast, and we can concentrate on increasing our well-being through better health and se...
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Planning Ahead for Holiday Beauty: Look Your Best With Quick, Effective Procedures
‘Tis the Season… almost! Hallowe'en has passed, Thanksgiving is around the corner, and we are about to embark on the holiday season. Here in New York City, this means more parties, more social events, more outings - and more selfies, photos, and social m...
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Liposuction and Fat Injections: Complementary Procedures
Body contouring procedures restore more youthful curves, shapeliness, and overall appearance to the face and entire body. Liposuction removes extra fat and may be performed in conjunction with fat injections which correct areas of volume depletion. In areas of fatty tissue excess...
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Summer’s Almost Here – Are You Ready For Hot Weather?
The sun is out, the temperature is rising, and it feels like summer. Memorial Day Weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer season, which means less clothing and more skin showing. What are the best ways to get ready for the heat, sand, and surf? Sun protection: Most i...
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More Millennials Seeking Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is increasingly being sought by younger patients, and the millennial generation is a prime example. Born in the 80's and 90’s, these tech-savvy young adults grew up surrounded and heavily influenced by social media - facebook, twitter, inst...
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Time For a Change: Body Sculpture
Plastic surgery is an art and a science, and as an artist the plastic surgeon aims to create a beautiful result for the patient. When it comes to body contouring, several procedures allow patients to obtain the look they wish to achieve. Women may be concerned about the shape or...
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