
Best Tips For Facing Winter Cold

While we may all wish for warmer days, we must manage through a few more weeks of winter weather. With record breaking temperatures predicted for the weekend, here are the top 5 tips to help your face stay looking young and wrinkle free despite harsh cold and windy days. Mois...

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Breast Implants: Myths and Facts

If you're one of the millions of women who is either considering or has already undergone breast augmentation surgery, you may be hearing stories about complications, revisions, and recommendations after surgery. Although every patient’s experience will be different...

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Plastic Surgery Is Not Photoshop

1 and 2: before Photoshop     3 and 4: after Photoshop: how many changes can you spot?We are surrounded by and constantly exposed to images of absolutely fabulous looking women and men, with flawless skin, perfect proportions, ideal contours. Whether in printed...

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Time For a Change: Body Sculpture

Plastic surgery is an art and a science, and as an artist the plastic surgeon aims to create a beautiful result for the patient. When it comes to body contouring, several procedures allow patients to obtain the look they wish to achieve. Women may be concerned about the shape or...

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Beyond Labiaplasty: Beauty Below the Belt

Feminine rejuvenation and beautification can focus on improving the appearance, shape, and size of the labia minora, the labia majora, and the clitoral hood. In addition, aesthetic considerations may include the mons pubis - the soft tissue overlying the pubic bone –...

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Who Is Your Plastic Surgeon?

Nowadays there seem to be endless possibilities when looking for a qualified physician to perform your plastic surgery. Here are some considerations about different types of physicians whom you might come across when researching who's the best one for you: M.D., D.O., or...

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The Eyes Have It: Eyelid Rejuvenation

For women and men alike, the earliest signs of aging often appear around the eyes. Since the skin of the upper and lower eyelids is extremely thin, it also shows wrinkles and laxity earlier than other parts of your face. When you look in the mirror, you may think you look tired...

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The Eyes Have It – Improving Appearance with Fillers, Fat, and Lifts

A common concern for both women and men is the unsightly appearance of dark under eye circles and puffiness. Like many of our physical features, these are due to our genetic makeup, but they can contribute to making us look tired and are often one of the earliest signs of aging...

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How to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon in New York City – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson

Happy New Year! Have you made a new year's resolution? Are you one of the millions of women or men who has decided that in 2011 they will try to improve some part of their life, whether physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Are you considering perhaps some type of enhanc...

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The Mommy Makeover – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson, New York City Plastic Surgeon

It's September, the children have gone to school, routines are in place, and you have some extra time to focus on yourself. So you’ve been thinking about how you look, perhaps your belly just isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be, perhaps your breasts aren&...

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