In Honor of Veterans’ Day
In honor of Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I on November 11th 1918, we wish to thank and honor all the brave men and women who have selflessly served our country to defend our freedom. In cooperation with American Society of Plastic Surgery affiliated programs...
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Surgical Skills: Expertise in the Operating Room
All plastic surgeons are not the same. Their training, expertise, and skills differ greatly. Top plastic surgeons distinguish themselves not just by their talent and ability in the operating room, but by their thought process, judgment, and ability to provide outstanding results...
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Beyond Labiaplasty: Beauty Below the Belt
Feminine rejuvenation and beautification can focus on improving the appearance, shape, and size of the labia minora, the labia majora, and the clitoral hood. In addition, aesthetic considerations may include the mons pubis - the soft tissue overlying the pubic bone –...
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Mammograms and Cosmetic Breast Surgery
The American Cancer Society (ACS) issued new guidelines today with respect to mammograms for breast cancer screening. The new recommendations, which apply generally to women with an average risk of breast cancer, advise women undergo their first screening mammogram at age 45, co...
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Fillers: Options for Best Results
We've come a long way since collagen was the only injectable product available for filling depressions and restoring lost soft tissue volume. With the advent of hyaluronic acid (HA) injectables such as Juvéderm, Restylane, Perlane, and Belotero, we have seen a signif...
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Silicone Breast Implants: Silimed in the News
Posted on: Sep 30 2015 By: Dr. Olivia HutchinsonSaline and silicone breast implants are used for both breast reconstruction and cosmetic breast augmentation. Breast implant safety is a primary concern of plastic surgeons, patients, and the regulatory institutions that over...
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Mommy Makeovers: New Ways to Improve Your Body
Pregnancy and circulating hormones during and after childbirth cause significant physical changes in women's bodies. Even after they’ve shed their “baby weight” - weight gained during pregnancy – many women notice other changes in their appea...
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Liposuction: What Is Safe Limit?
Liposuction, or suction assisted lipectomy, is a safe and effective cosmetic procedure in plastic surgery to remove unwanted fat and improve body contour. Patients who are otherwise in good health, and who have areas of fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise, are...
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See You In September!
It may not feel like it, as this last blast of summer heat blazes through New York City, but now that Labor Day has passed we have entered upon the unofficial start of fall. Hopefully we've all had a chance to enjoy some rest and relaxation, and are now back on track with a...
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Newest Beauty Benefit of Botox®: Better Skin
Botox® has been used by aesthetic plastic surgeons and dermatologists for decades to lessen the appearance of wrinkles on the face. The effects, although temporary and lasting only 3 to 4 months, are noticeable and result in a more youthful appearance. The product is used on...
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