For A More Fabulous Face And Neck: Best Facelift Options
Plastic surgery procedures for facial rejuvenation aim to reverse the signs of aging by eliminating jowls, refining the jawline, smoothing face and neck skin, and restoring more youthful contours. The newest and most effective surgical approaches involve a combination of techniq...
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Planning Ahead For Your Special Event: Timing Your Beauty Procedures
Whether you're the bride or groom at your upcoming nuptials, or a member of the wedding party, or a soon-to-be in-law, you will want to look your best for the occasion. Just as planning for the event takes months of preparation, so too caring for your appearance and optimi...
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Fat Injections With Platelet Rich Plasma: Best Natural Rejuvenation
Aesthetic plastic surgeons are dedicated to helping patients look their best, by seeking to lessen or reverse changes that occur with age. Facial aging involves a number of processes, including loss of skin elasticity, decrease in soft tissue volume, and downward displacement of...
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Focus on the Eyes: Eyelid Rejuvenation and Tear Trough Improvement
Some of the more common concerns women and men express about their faces pertain to the appearance of their eyes. Most often, signs of aging manifest as wrinkles, loose skin, droopy upper lids, or undereye bags. The area around the eyes, called the periorbital area, may be the f...
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All About the Neck: Smoother, Tighter, Younger
The appearance of the neck often betrays some of the earliest signs of aging, such as loose, crepey skin, jowls or indistinct jawline, or bulging from fat located under the chin. Age-defying methods that improve the quality of the skin and overall neck contour offer many differe...
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Breast Reduction: Beyond Physical Benefits
Women who seek breast reduction surgery are usually encumbered by excessively large, heavy, pendulous breasts that may negatively impact their daily activities. This medical condition, called breast hypertrophy, may develop as early as adolescence, or manifest later in adulthood...
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Beyond Brotox: More Men Choosing Plastic Surgery
The number of plastic surgery procedures continues to increase across the U.S., and here in NYC we are seeing more and more men coming into the office for various rejuvenation and beauty treatments. Men of all age groups, from millennials to baby boomers, represent an ever...
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Periorbital Rejuvenation: Keeping Your Eyes Looking Young
The area around the eyes, referred to as the periorbital area, is often the first part of the face that shows signs of aging. Patients may complain of wrinkles called crows feet, of looking tired, or of having heavy or droopy lids or undereye bags. There are different ways of ad...
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Feminine Rejuvenation Is Trending: Demand for Labiaplasty Soars
Plastic surgery continues to see an increase in the number of aesthetic procedures being performed in New York City as well as throughout the United States as a whole. The number of labiaplasties reported by plastic surgeons increased by nearly 40% in 2016 as compared to the prev...
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Neck Rejuvenation: Kybella and New Options
A youthful neck appearance can be recognized by several characteristics of the skin, fat, and muscle. These features include: an angular, even jawline, with tight skin and smooth contour throughout. With time and gravity, changes associated with aging affect the appearance of th...
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