Feminine Rejuvenation Is Trending: Demand for Labiaplasty Soars
Plastic surgery continues to see an increase in the number of aesthetic procedures being performed in New York City as well as throughout the United States as a whole. The number of labiaplasties reported by plastic surgeons increased by nearly 40% in 2016 as compared to the prev...
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Fat Is Fabulous: Perspectives From Plastic Surgery
Much time and effort is spent on trying to eliminate fat from our bodies, and the means at our disposal are seemingly endless. Our focus is on reducing excess weight, either by diet and exercise, or if that fails, by any number of surgical and non-surgical interventions. Li...
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To Each Her Own: Different Breast Implant Styles To Suit Every Woman
For women who would like to undergo breast augmentation surgery in order to increase bust size or restore lost breast volume, there are currently a wide number of breast implant options to choose among. Plastic surgeons can help educate each individual patient in understand...
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Otoplasty Yields Both Physical and Psychological Improvements
Plastic surgery of the ears is commonly performed to correct any number of visible physical features of the ears, most commonly prominent ears, a condition in which the ears protrude excessively from the sides of the head. Prominent ear deformity becomes evident in young c...
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Body Image Important For Many Adolescent Girls: Survey Results
Body Image Important For Many Adolescent Girls: Survey Results Posted on: Oct 18 2016 By: Dr. Olivia HutchinsonFor the young women and men who are actively navigating adolescence, it can be a highly stressful time as issues of self and self image arise. For those of us who...
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Liposuction and Fat Injections: Complementary Procedures
Body contouring procedures restore more youthful curves, shapeliness, and overall appearance to the face and entire body. Liposuction removes extra fat and may be performed in conjunction with fat injections which correct areas of volume depletion. In areas of fatty tissue excess...
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Making an Impact: Small Procedures Yield Big Results
When we think about plastic surgery procedures, we often jump right to major cosmetic surgical procedures that offer significant improvement in our appearance, such as the numerous “lift”, “tuck”, and “implants” procedures. For many plastic su...
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Summer’s Almost Here – Are You Ready For Hot Weather?
The sun is out, the temperature is rising, and it feels like summer. Memorial Day Weekend marks the unofficial start of the summer season, which means less clothing and more skin showing. What are the best ways to get ready for the heat, sand, and surf? Sun protection: Most i...
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More Millennials Seeking Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is increasingly being sought by younger patients, and the millennial generation is a prime example. Born in the 80's and 90’s, these tech-savvy young adults grew up surrounded and heavily influenced by social media - facebook, twitter, inst...
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Rhinoplasty: New Trends and Options
Rhinoplasty is plastic surgery of the nose, and may involve any number of procedures that aim to improve its appearance. Nasal anatomy includes a complex architecture of bone and cartilage components that are interconnected. Understanding how to achieve desired changes while mai...
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