
Breast Implants: Myths and Facts

If you're one of the millions of women who is either considering or has already undergone breast augmentation surgery, you may be hearing stories about complications, revisions, and recommendations after surgery. Although every patient’s experience will be different...

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Silicone Breast Implants – Safety Update

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an updated white paper on June 23rd, 2011 on the safety of silicone gel-filled breast implants, used in both breast augmentation and breast reconstruction. The FDA stated that “silicone gel-filled breast implants have a reasonab...

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The Mommy Makeover – by Dr. Olivia Hutchinson, New York City Plastic Surgeon

It's September, the children have gone to school, routines are in place, and you have some extra time to focus on yourself. So you’ve been thinking about how you look, perhaps your belly just isn’t as flat as you’d like it to be, perhaps your breasts aren&...

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